Damian Zawadzki won`t be Young Legia`s player

Hugollek - Wiadomość archiwalna

MSP Szamotuły’s defender, Damian Zawadzki, won’t be Young Legia’s footballer. Player who was on tests at Łazienkowska two years ago, has been recently tested during Young Legia’s preparatory camp in Bartoszyce. LL!’s editorial staff got an information that Zawadzki won’t become Legia’s footballer before the beginning of the new season. 18-year-old defender should be tested again in a year. According to team’s coaches, he’s a player of promise, however he presents lack of experience on the field. He played 45 minutes in the game against Jeziorak Iława and half an hour in the match against Olimpia Elbląg.

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